Representations & Warranties Insurance

Representations & Warranties Insurance

CAC Group’s Transactional Liability Practice offers top-notch asset protection and value creation for each transaction.

Representations and warranties insurance is a type of insurance that safeguards buyers from financial losses resulting from breaches of a seller’s representations and warranties. We tailor the coverage and policy language to each acquisition and can adjust it to cover various risks. This insurance option reduces or eliminates the need for the seller’s escrow and provides the buyer with extended protection and a longer survival period.

R&W insurance offers buyers coverage after the closing for losses, including defense costs, resulting from breaches of the seller’s representations and warranties. This reduces or eliminates the seller’s escrow and offers the buyer additional protection and a longer survival period than what might otherwise be available.

Industry Experts

Profile image for Michael Wakefield


Executive Vice President and Transactional Insurance Practice Leader
Profile image for David Barnes


Executive Vice President, Practice Leader, Representations & Warranties

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